11th edition

festival of
queer cinema

maison des arts du grütli, geneva

Everybody’s Perfect - Festival de cinéma Queer

october 2024


11th edition

festival of
queer cinema

maison des arts du grütli, geneva

october 2024

how ethologists have actively contributed for centuries to the de-normalization of lgbtiq+ identities. here, pioneering and expert voices intertwine with the artistic practices of queer protagonists to deconstruct these instrumentalizing theories.

scientist Fleur Daugey, psychologist and philosopher Vinciane Despret, trans evolutionary biologist Joan Roughgarden, and biologist Thierry lodé, an expert in animal sexualities, share their thrilling revelations and dismantle normative theories.

a rich and inspiring movie where the desire for diversity meets an appetite for difference.

Prix du Jury des Jeunes

the film presented during the 2024 edition of Everybody’s Perfect won the youth jury prize!